
Scallop cropped

coba bikin scallop cropp yuk :) 
siapkan alat alat untuk membuat bentuk scallop crop dibawah semi denim.
alat :
1. gunting
2. pola
3. pensil
4. baju / bahan yang akan di crop

jika sudah alat alatnya disiapkan, maka selanjutnya gambar pola secara menyeluruh di bawah baju.
setelah digambar dengan pensil langkah selanjutnya digunting sesuai dengan pola yang digambar.

tarrraaaaa........ kira kira jadinya seperti ini hihihi :)

selamat mencoba all :))))




fifi lapin

just found blog from fifi lapin. she  is an extremely stylish rabbit. Fifi was born one of 257 brothers and sisters (you know what they say about rabbits) but sadly there was an outbreak of myxamatosis when she was just a year old and she was the only one to survive. Her parents are therefore incredibly protective and spoil her rotten. As an ‘haress’ to her fathers fortune (which he made playing fast and loose with carrot and lettuce shares on the international stock market) she loves nothing better than spending her time shopping, browsing fashion magazines, shopping and attending the opening of an envelope. People may think she's just a socialite but behind that sweet smile lies more than just a fashionable clotheshorse. Her best friend Ruby Gatta also has her own blog dedicated to design and all things nice.


thankyou buat fina oktavina yang udah mempercayakan saya buat bikin desain brand nya dia. hehe
this is my design for her. so vintage and stylish, right?



daripada main sosmed yang engga berguna, mendingan ikutan kuis lomba foto gitu. hihi
geli sih dengernya tapi enak loh kalo menang bangga gitu. mihihi
ini nih contohnya iseng iseng berhadiah :) semoga menang yap salah satunya aja deh hihi :D

nano twitt ala @hanahanoy

quiz ponds ala kami berdua